A Favorite Norwegian Krumkake

Prep Time
Prep: 10 mins
Cook Time
Cook: 10 mins
Makes about 20 Krumkakes.
2/3 stick butter (5 Tbsp.)
2/3 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1 cup general purpose flour
1. Melt the butter carefully in a microwave oven or double boiler. Do not overheat.
2. Thoroughly mix the sugar into the butter, stirring well.
3. Add the eggs and, with a power mixer, blend the mixture until light yellow in color.
4. Add the milk and flour and continue to blend until mixture is smooth. The batter should flow readily but slowly off a measuring spoon for a thin, yet easy to handle Krumkake.
5. Any of a variety of flavorants such as vanilla extract (½ tsp.), grated lemon rind (½ tsp.), almond extract (½ tsp.) or ground almonds (1 Tbsp.) may be added to vary the flavor.
6. If using the KrumKake Express™, start with the Color Control Dial at 2½. One tablespoon of batter will make a 5” wafer. Lock the lid latch for a thinner and crispier Krumkake.
7. Add batter to the plate only when the green “Ready” light is ON. In about 30 seconds, the red “Baking” light will turn ON. When the green light comes ON again, open the lid of the KrumKake Express™ and inspect the Krumkake for color.
8. Bake until golden brown and remove promptly.
9. Roll onto the Cone Form quickly while the Krumkake is still hot.
All other Krumkake makers; bake according to your manufacturer’s instructions.
- Chef's Choice Admin